Kelcie is a nonprofit manager with 10 years experience in youth development, and a masters degree in Public Administration. She currently works at JVS, a workforce development agency that helps people build in-demand job skills to find sustainable careers. At JVS, Kelcie’s programs support at-risk youth in career readiness and particularly finding entry into meaningful employment in the skilled trades and automotive industries.
Prior to JVS, Kelcie spent many years serving as the Out of School Time Programs Director at Cameron House, a community center based in San Francisco’s Chinatown. It is through her work here that she became involved in this program, and she was instrumental in the development of the exchange program over the past five years.
Since 2013, Kelcie has coordinated and facilitated 5 of the youth exchange trips funded by Heidelberg California Connect, by working with partners here and in Heidelberg to create invaluable experiences for young people. She believes strongly in the power of these experiences to shape young people, forge international friendships, and to expand youth awareness of the world around us. She personally chaperoned and coached the 2017 boy’s trip to Heidelberg and was blown away by the hospitality she and the SF boys were shown. She is looking forward to the continued work of HCC, and is honored to serve on this board!